Pilot Journeys

Report front page

Narratives of collaboration and prototyping in participatory meanwhile Authors: Eli Hatleskog and Adam Thorpe, University of the Arts London This document presents an in-depth analysis of the T-Factor pilot prototypes conducted in Amsterdam, Bilbao, Kaunas, Lisbon, London, and Milan. These prototypes were undertaken to explore innovative approaches to sustainable urban regeneration, with a particular focus […]

Participatory Futures

Report front page

A comprehensive set of methods and tools for designing and delivering temporary or meanwhile use strategies in the context of urban regeneration plans.

Time Manifesto

Our intent with this Manifesto is to set
a starting vision on temporary uses that can be relevant to local decarbonisation strategies as well as major EU policies and initiatives such as the European Green Deal, the New European Bauhaus, and the EU Mission on Smart and
Climate Neutral Cities by 2030.

Zorrotzaurre CCI Ecosystem Analysis

Zorrotzaurre Ecosystem Analysis front page

The startup Bottom-up City conducted an analysis of geographic and time referenced social media data in order to find insights about the Cultural and Creative ecosystem of Zorrotzaurre, in Bilbao.

Meanwhile uses in urban regeneration key learnings

learnings from meanwhile uses in urban regeneration

In T-Factor, we have already travelled more than two years, experimenting with meanwhile uses within a diversity of regeneration projects in Amsterdam, Bilbao, Kaunas, Lisbon, London and Milan. We have reached a point where we are beginning to gather insights and reflections on what the potential of meanwhile use is for inclusive and sustainable urban […]

Futuri Partecipativi – Rigenerare le città con gli usi temporanei

This document addresses the issue of temporary or meanwhile uses in urban regeneration. It is the result of a research work carried out in the context of T-Factor, a Horizon 2020 project focused on the role that temporary uses can play in transforming urban regeneration into a more inclusive, resilient and generating process of new […]

Collaborative Governance Models for District Management

Building Local Innovation Ecosystems – A Case Study Report for Zorrotzaurre, Bilbao Authors: Alejandra Castro, Nicole Panitz and Eva Wascher (TU Dortmund University) Many cities all over the world have established collaborative district and neighbourhood management models with a large variety in organisational and legal models as well as the missions and inclusiveness of actors involved. In essence, collaborative governance supports […]