Urban Regeneration Festival
Celebrating Meanwhile Spaces and Temporary Uses across Europe and Asia to create Ecological and Inclusive Cities
Shanghai, November 27-30
城市再生节 (“T因子”计划上海路演)
The process of urban regeneration includes the hardware dimension of the city, composed of buildings and infrastructures, construction and investment, as well as the software dimension, including citizens and communities, culture, history, and all the activities around them.
How do software and hardware interact in the city-making process?
In Shanghai, thanks to the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the academic role of Tongji University, College of Design and Innovation, T-Factor has established two chinese pilots with NICE 2035 and Xinhua Community Design Center. With this research activity of the “Urban Regeneration Festival”, we showcase the achievements of T-Factor in Europe, the roadmap of the Shanghai project and the meanwhile uses practices in China. T-Factor delegates, partners and friends will gather in Shanghai to enjoy academic exchange, public forums, exhibitions, workshops and fieldwork. We explore together the key issues, emerging values and practical approaches to urban regeneration, sharing the perspective of Europe and Asia in light of planetary challenges.
November 27th – 30th, 2023
Day1 November 27th
Opening Lectures and Project Presentation
9am to 12pm (Beijing time)
- Opening Remarks Presentation of T-Factor Roadshow concept and opening of the event
- Academic and Institutions remarks
- Introduction of the T-Factor project and the event
Prof. Francesca Valsecchi and her team from Tongji University will introduce the international collaboration project of T-Factor, the results achieved between Europe and China, and the current research activity ongoing in Shanghai in relation to urban regeneration and the role of communities and citizens in city making.
- Partners presentations
European partners will present the details of the T-Factor project, the status of projects of urban regeneration in Europe, and the meaning of international collaboration. In particular, the concept of T-Factor will be explained and discussed: how to use the temporary use of the regeneration spaces as a driver of dynamic urbanization, experiment with social innovation projects, and the creation of values for the local communities.
- Exhibition opening and guided tour
Day2 November 28th
Shanghai Temporary Spaces Fieldwork
We selected several places in Shanghai that represent interesting cases of temporary uses for urban regeneration and community building. Places: NICE2035 Community, Anshan Rd., MeetU Lab, Jiangwan Stadium, LIU Yuelai’s Community Garden, Xián Xiàlái Cooperative, Xinhua Community Design Centre, The Nature Conservancy Habitat Garden, a walk through the neighborhood of Laoximen under demolition.
Day3 November 29th
T-Factor Sharing Forum: Temporary Spaces, Community Engagement
1pm to 6pm (Beijing time)
Experiences of Community Engagement and Temporary Uses in China and Beyond
- RUI Guangye, Co-founder&CEO of Fanwuqi Community Building Centre, Lecturer of the School of Art and Design, Guangdong University of Technology
- XU Lingyi, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, HOMELAND magazine
- Jeremy Cheval, Artist, PhD of Tongji University & the School of Architecture of Paris Belleville
- SONG Qun, Founder of LOCAL Culture and Art Organisation, Artist
- Filippo Addarii, PlusValue Founding partner and CEO
Delegates from the pilots of Milano, Lisbon, Bilbao and Shanghai will share details about the portfolio of innovation developed in each cities and the best practices of temporary uses; they will discuss their insights about urban regeneration, the role of public and private support, and the importance of activate unused spaces in the city for fostering inclusive and sustainable practices of urban development.
A showcase of regeneration cases, temporary uses, and community engagement initiatives from all around Asia
_Day4 November 30th
T-Factor Sharing Forum: Temporary Spaces, Community Engagement
The last day of Urban Regeneration Festival is a workshop to engage professionals, practitioners, scholars, and citizens in a collaborative reflection about temporary uses in China and their role in the development of the urban spaces. Participants reflect on the characteristics of community engagement projects and cases of temporary uses; they discuss cases from Europe and China, confronting strategies, challenges, and solutions.
T-Factor Exhibition and Urban Ecology T-Factor Mission
T-Factor Roadshow includes an exhibition of the project’s methodology and results, with materials and updates from the six pilot cities (Amsterdam, Milano, Kaunas, Lisbon, Bilbao, London). The exhibition will showcase examples and actions of the work in the different cities and present the contents of the Shanghai pilot projects, happening in Xinhua CDC, NICE2035 community, and MeetU Lab.
Media Chinese news https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wL-7z4151qme4ecBu23_oQ
Hosted by:
Tongji University
College of Design and Innovation
Organized by:
Ecology and Cultures Innovation Lab
Public Design Lab
Xinhua Community Design Centre
Tongji DESIS Lab
Supported by
Delegation of the European Union to China
Italian Embassy in Beijing
Design Innovation Institute Shanghai
Tongji University Sino-Italian Campus
Associazione degli Accademici Italiani In Cina (AAIIC)