Guidelines for mapping urban biodiversity in urban regeneration areas
Authors: Polifactory – Politecnico di Milano and LAND Italia
Urban biodiversity is an oxymoron in today’s cultural context, but biodiversity is a crucial aspect of our cities’ environments, societies, economies, governance, and cultures. Today’s challenges related to climate change and the loss of biodiversity in the territories and green spaces of cities should be tackled with the awareness that designing with nature is a local, regional and global emergency. Cities are called upon to take the lead in promoting the conservation of biodiversity, but also its implementation in urban open spaces.
Bioscopium is conceived as a handbook for tackling biodiversity loss in meanwhile spaces and big-scale urban regeneration areas, supporting practitioners, real estate developers, policymakers, and other decision makers in understanding, preserving, and increasing urban biodiversity while highlighting its crucial benefits for both humans and the environment.
The guidelines for mapping urban biodiversity in urban regeneration areas collected in this report were created thanks to an experimental initiative conducted within the T-Factor project from April 2023 to December 2023.
Bioscopium initiative
Bioscopium was conceived as one of the initiatives developed by T-Factor for the pilot project of Milan at MIND – Milano Innovation District, by the researchers of Polifactory – Department of Design – Politecnico di Milano and LAND Italia, in collaboration with agronomists and wildlife experts of Studio TerraViva.
Bioscopium’s ambition is to experiment with an innovative wildlife biodiversity mapping system to support those involved in regeneration projects in knowing, preserving and implementing wildlife in areas under regeneration and during the regeneration process, as a crucial factor for environmental quality and human wellbeing.