T-Factor Final Event

Temporary uses, urban regeneration, just transitions: now, next, new

Sala Giordano, Palazzo Medici-Riccardi via Cavour 3, Florence. May 7, 2024

After four years of research and practice on temporary uses and their transformative potential in urban regeneration, the T-Factor project comes to an end. 

This closing conference is dedicated to discuss the relevance of temporary uses for just transitions across European cities, exploring what foundational shifts are required for these practices to realise  objectives of climate neutrality, social inclusion, and quality of life.


9.30_ Registrations
10.00_ Institutional welcome
President of ANCI Toscana
Councillor for Infrastructure, Mobility and Territorial Governance of the Tuscany Region
10.20_ T-Factor project and final event 
Besnik Mehmeti | ANCI Toscana
10.30_ Temporary uses, urban regeneration, just transitions: change from within
Ilda Curti | University of Turin
Panel discussions
11.00_ Shift in purpose: what if temporary uses embrace goals of just urban transitions
  • Moderated by Andrea Balestrini | LAND
  • Chris Julien | Waag
  • Carla Fernandes | NOVA University
  • Ruta Valusyte | Kaunas University of Technology
  • Ilda Curti | University of Turin 
11.50_ Coffee break 
12.10_ Shift in time: what if temporary uses endorse long-term thinking
  • Moderated by Karim Asry | Espacio Open
  • Francesco La Loggia | PlusValue
  • Francesca Valsecchi | Tongji University
  • Maria Cerreta | University of Naples Federico II
  • Councillor for Urban Planning | Municipality of Livorno 
13.00_ Lunch break
14.30_ Shift in scale: what if temporary uses enable collective change
  • Moderated by Alejandra Castro | TU Dortmund University
  • Adam Thorpe | University of the Arts London
  • Asier Larrinaga | Bilbao Ekintza
  • Eva Riccio | Friche la Belle de Mai
  • Councillor for Urban Planning | Municipality of Prato
15.20_ From Within: T-Factor book
Marta Arniani | Futuribile
15.30_ Wrap up and closure
Simone Gheri | ANCI Toscana