T-Factor participates in Milano Digital Week

The MIND Pilot has been one of the protagonists of the Milan Digital Week 2022 on November 14 with an event titled: Inside -Mi: navigazione virtuale dell’anatomia umana reale in 3D grazie alle nuove tecnologie”. The event consisted of an exploration of human anatomy in three dimensions thanks to the use of new technologies developed by the University of Milan, partner of the milanese pilot. 

The event responds to the broader aim of “T-Factor” by trying to work on the gathering of a community of people prepared and conscious about what will be investigated and discovered at MIND in terms of scientific production. This should happen way before the MIND regeneration process will be completed. 

Furthermore, one of the MIND pilot missions is indeed specifically related to the creation of an active exchange of knowledge, skills, resources and initiatives within and outside MIND to create synergies for future ambitious projects, involving different target groups and partners.

During the event, the participants experienced the potential of new technologies in Health through interactive demonstrations in which dedicated augmented and virtual reality goggles (developed by University of Milan) were available. The guests were later accompanied into the world of digitalization processes, modeling and visualization of real organs and anatomical structures, derived from patients, thanks to the intervention of experts in information and communication technologies in the medical field. 

The event was moderated by Valeria Soliano, Project and Communication Manager, PlusValue and Local Coordinator of T-Factor.


  • Maurizio Vertemati, Assistant Professor at UNIMI and Researcher at Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, “Luigi Sacco”.
  • Alberta Zaja, research fellow at the UniMi Physics Department.

The event was held at the Auditorium Gaia Panina (at Hive) in MIND- Milano Innovation District. 

participant with virtual glasses