T-Factor hosts a co-creation workshop in Brussels dedicated to temporary uses and just transitions
On March 30th 2023, T-Factor hosted a co-design workshop at the Tuscany Region delegation in Brussels involving project partners and stakeholders across Europe, to discuss and explore imaginative roadmaps of temporary uses that can support and accelerate actions and investment in just urban transitions.
The workshop opened with institutional greetings from Silvia Burzagli (Director of the Tuscany Region delegation in Brussels), Matteo Biffoni (Mayor of the Municipality of Prato and President of ANCI Toscana), and Emanuela De Menna (Policy officer at the European Commission and T-Factor’s Advisor).
Professor Laura Lee – architect, strategic and systemic transformation designer – followed with the keynote speech ‘Seeding the Future – the Near, Next, New Generation of Temporary Uses’. Prof. Lee highlighted the growing urgency of making deep and transformative changes in response to the multiple crises we face globally, and discussed how temporary uses can be tangible and effective means to infrastructure, orchestrate and ‘prototype’ systems change towards long-term impact.
After the keynote, more than 60 participants divided into thematic tables discussed possible journeys of temporary uses in address to missions of innovation relevant to just transitions, such as greening and biodiversity; circular and regenerative design; equality and social justice; co-creation and collaborative governance; health & wellbeing. During the work, participants had the chance to share and reflect on existing temporary uses and institutional actions, both from the T-Factor project and beyond.
The workshop marked the first step of a broader journey in T-Factor aimed at developing a White Paper at the beginning of 2024 that can capture and describe a research and institutional innovation agenda for temporary uses and just transitions in European cities.
We invite you to reach out to us if you are interested to contribute to the key arguments of the White Paper. We welcome contributions from all corners of society – practitioners, activists, researchers, decision makers, developers, investors and more.
If you are interested in contributing to the White Paper, check the Manifesto and get in touch!
With great thanks to all T-Factor partners and participants from the European Commission, Tuscany Region, Municipality of Prato, Municipality of Milan, Energy Cities, Perspective.Brussels, Communa, Eurocities, Lendlease Italia, Lendlease Europe, Hines Italia, Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Vrije Universiteit Brussels.
Special thanks to the Tuscany Region delegation in Brussels for hosting the workshop.