How can we accelerate just green and digital transitions through temporary uses in urban regeneration?
The time span to respond to the climate crisis before it is too late is rapidly decreasing. Cities across Europe are accelerating their commitment on decarbonization, following an ambitious vision of carbon-neutral cities led by the EU. This path must be holistic and bold, making sure that just transitions address climate neutrality and social justice as two aspects of the same coin – towards better quality of life for all.
The Time Manifesto is a call for interest launched by T-Factor aimed at setting a starting vision on temporary uses as a relevant tool in decarbonisation strategies and major EU policies, based on the idea of just transitions. Against the urgency we experience, temporary uses can be designed as city-scale infrastructures of engagement, collective action and capacity-building throughout decarbonisation paths, leveraged as bottom-up trials and social innovation platforms that can help us unfold collective action for long term impact.
This requires clearly defining temporary uses as a means to embrace challenges, empower choices, enable change from the seeds – to spread and connect across communities as a forest of experiments.

The intention of this Manifesto is to set a starting vision on temporary uses that can be relevant to local decarbonisation strategies as well as major EU policies and initiatives such as the European Green Deal, the New European Bauhaus, and the EU Mission on Smart and Climate Neutral Cities by 2030.
The ultimate goal is to produce a White Paper at the beginning of 2024 that can contribute to drawing bold institutional and research agendas for temporary uses and just transitions in European cities.
We invite you to contact us at if you are interested in contributing to the key arguments of the White Paper. We welcome contributions from all corners of society – practitioners, activists, researchers, decision makers, developers, investors and more.